Saturday, February 4, 2012

The CDC and Its Shady Practices

So it's been a while but with jumping around from contract job to contract job, a two week trip to MO with no internet and general unrestrained chaos in my life . . . I've finally got things under control and can find sometime to sit down and blog.  I'm hoping my new found serenity in life can continue for a while and I can also schedule time to sit here and write because it makes me happy :-)

  If there were any doubt in anyone's mind that the government and its agencies were corrupt it was blatantly obvious this week with an article about the CDC.  Apparently the CDC now has a policy of not releasing the offending company's names who produce or serve food that is contaminated with certain pathogens that make people sick.  The excuse the CDC gave is that they do not want to overly panic the public into not buying products from these establishments if it was not the direct fault of any one particular thing the company was doing or not doing but rather a general "oops" moment that probably won't happen again. 

  The case in particular that the CDC was being ridiculed over was a certain "mexican chain restaurant" who had served food in 10 different states that was contaminated with salmonella.  The result of this outbreak being that 68 people were sickened and one person died.  It has now come out, to no surprise to anyone I don't think, that the offending company was Taco Bell (the only other chain mexican restaurants in those states being Chipotle and Qdoba who have very good food practices).  It is also blatantly obvious that the CDC powers that be - those people that used to work for the private companies that they are now policing - are kowtowing to the big conglomerates to protect the company's reputation and revenues to the detriment of the American people, the same people they are supposed to be protecting. 

  To me it just makes everyone look bad all around.  The big companies are paying off or putting pressure on the CDC officials to not release their names in an obvious effort, in my opinion, to protect their bad practices in the name of profit.  I'm not sure what the CDC officials could possibly be getting out of the deal except for maybe money under the table or future benefits from these companies when they re-enter the private sector.  Regardless of the reasoning behind it all, it just backs up my desires to know exactly where my food is coming from and who produced it and how and not put anything that is mystery into my mouth.

Article can be found here:

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