Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tropical Smoothie

I find that I've recently started wasting a lot of money at Jamba Juice.  I love that place and it is good for you but I would rather buy organic fruits and milk products and make my own at home for much less than the five plus dollars they charge you!  This is a great smoothie and works well for a morning rush out the door breakfast or a leisurely Sunday brunch with lots of breakfast goodies.

Serves: 2 (you can make the full recipe and freeze the extra for the next morning)
  - 1/2 ripe mango
  - 1 cup pineapple (frozen or fresh)
  - 1 ripe banana
  - 1/4 cup orange juice (I like to use the Naked orange juice or you can use fresh squeezed)
  - 1/2 cup milk
  - 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  - 1 tsp to 1 tbsp good honey (add more honey if the fruit isn't quite ripe or sweet enough)
  - 1 cup of ice (if using frozen fruit use less ice)
  - Add any extra fruit you may think would be good:  berries, kiwi, papaya, etc.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

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