Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eggs in a Basket

This is a recipe I figured out for myself after watching one of my favorite movies.  This breakfast item is featured prominently in V for Vendetta and it looked delicious.  It cuts down on your carbs and combines the runny egg yolk with the crisp toast you were going to use to sop it up anyways.  This meal is my typical weekend breakfast with a cup of hot tea, a large glass of water, fruit on the side and my daily vitamin - it's perfect.

Serves: 1

  - 1 slice of bread with a 2" diameter hole cut out of it (you can save the hole and toast it in the pan after you cook the egg and spread some jam or preserves on top)
  - 1 pasture raised egg
  - 1/2 tbsp butter
  - salt and pepper

Bring a non-stick skillet to medium-high heat and place half the butter in the pan.  When the butter is melted place the bread in the pan and swirl it around to evenly coat with butter.  Crack the egg into the hole, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let cook for 2-3 minutes until the white is set on the bottom.  Check the bottom of the toast to make sure it is brown and the egg white is cooked  The egg white on top will still be clear and uncooked. Place the remaining butter in the pan around the toast and flip the egg and toast into the butter and cook for another minute until the egg white on top is cooked.  Flip onto a plate and enjoy!

Tip:  Pasture raised eggs are higher in protein and therefore much stiffer and stronger than factory eggs.  When flipping the toast and egg it is very easy to break the yolk with factory eggs but pasture raised eggs are much more forgiving.

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