So I've committed the ultimate blogger sin - falling behind in posts which leads to lack of interest and general apathy in my readership - for shame! I do apologize and I blame it on my lack of focus on food in general in the past few months (lots of travel to Missouri, working out of town during the week where there is no place to buy organic or healthy foods of any quantity or quality, worried about finding a real job, etc.). It has been possible for me with the new job, where I live in a house at a winery helping my brother-in-law manage construction on the site, to eat organically by going to Whole Foods on Sundays and stocking up and planning for the week. I cook for myself and one other person that works and lives with me at the winery who also subscribes to my food philosphy. So generally my breakfasts and dinners are good organic food but here's the problem - lunch!
My lunches are now revolving around the work place and construction work environment. The owner of the winery buys us lunch most days and other days I go out and get the crew lunch. It's great to not have to worry about paying for lunches but I have felt my heath issues returning and feeling less well and lethargic these days because of it. Maybe that's why I have felt less like blogging . . . maybe a little bit of a hypocritical dilemma running through my brain. I did, however, on recommendation from a new friend just watch a new documentary that may have just changed my outlook on food all over again.
This documentary is called "Fork Over Knives" and it follows two doctors that over the course of their practice and in-depth research have proven that animal based foods are the cause of most cancers and heart diseases. Not only is the corn fed beef and industrial meat substances bad for us but meat in general. Of course it is MUCH better to consume grass-fed and pasture raised animals in reasonable quantities but their extensive studies prove that we should probably be eating only grains, fruits and veggies without dairy, meat or added oils in our diet.
Their studies are very convincing - people who had had multiple bypass surgerys or extensive cancers throughout their bodies have gone on to live decades after their illnesses and have made complete recoverys, sometimes without chemo and radiation or even surgery - biologically I have one qualm. If humans were not meant to eat meat then why do we have "meat tearing" canine teeth? Is this just a hold over from our evolutionary make-up, which we have evolved away from but no longer need (like our tail bone with no tail?) or do those canine teeth have a different purpose now? Do we need the canine teeth for tearing into fibrous veggies like celery and broccoli? Next time I eat I am definitely going to pay more attention ;-) but for now I think I will just significantly reduce the amount of meat I consume.
Until next time your thoughts and opinions are definitely welcome. Happy eating!
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